Expect to be overwhelmed, and underwhelmed. And don't forget your camera! Here are my adoption reunion tips...
Expect to be overwhelmed, and underwhelmed. And don't forget your camera! Here are my adoption reunion tips...
I'm not just another angry adoptee. But I am angry - here's why, AND what we can all do about it.
Don’t tell me I should be grateful I wasn’t aborted. Just button your mouth and listen to adoptees.
Being in active reunion is like eating salt and vinegar crisps and forgetting your hands are covered with paper cuts.
All about the rollercoaster I went on when I became a mother who hadn’t dealt with losing her own birth mother!
Do you have endless patience, nerves of steel and the ability to withstand constant attempts to push you away?
New poem about being adopted, and how I feel about not looking like my parents or my siblings.
When you’ve been silent for so long, it’s a big deal to speak out. Here’s what goes through my mind every time I post about adoption…
I didn't realise how many adoption triggers I had until I started to list them! It's been really helpful for me to become aware of what makes me anxious, down or overwhelmed. Here's part one of my adoptee triggers ABC!
Since I had my children I’ve been slowly emerging from the adoptee “fog”. It’s been a hell of a ride, with new revelations coming thick and fast. Here’s what I now know…
Summary of my first adoption-related conference with tips for adoptees and anyone who loves and/or works with adopted, fostered or looked after children.
Super excited about my first adoption/fostering conference, The Myths and Monsters of Child Protection (bit of a scary title?!) on Monday 16th October. It's run by charity The Open Nest and the venue couldn't be more apt - the Foundling Museum in London.