“It’s such a wonderful community and the only place I feel completely human and like I belong. “

“I’m enjoying your blog. Seeing the stories is very powerful and breaks down the sense of being ‘other’. Carry on doing what you do and thanks.”

“I just wanted to contact you because on reading some of your latest posts a lot of what you say resonates so deeply with me. My own journey was confusing and lonely and so much of what we now know to be true helps come to terms with the feelings retrospectively, but certainly living as an adoptee (my adoption took place when I was 9 days old) and trying to make sense of a bunch of alien feelings and feeling 'outside' was really tough. I was born in 1970 and I think on reading your blog that we are very close in age, so may have experienced many similar things in terms of social (and the family) narratives.”

“Wow. I am so glad I stumbled upon your wonderful blog. I think I’ve read every article and something in each one resonated with me. I have been in therapy for so long, I became a therapist myself. I specialize in working with adult adoptees. I’d love to chat live with you someday soon. In the meantime, please keep up this amazing work. You’re making a difference.” ️

And also from birth parents:

“I am a birth mum in joyful/painful reunion with my beautiful son since January and this is the first place I have found anything useful!! Being able to understand his needs/fears/angers/worries/happiness/sadness is massively important to me, and reading your posts has helped me feel readier (??) for what’s to come.

…thank you. I will continue to devour all your posts and links to further resources until I find the holy grail which I’m hoping is calm!!”

If you’ve found the How To Be Adopted blog helpful, you can now buy me a virtual coffee - thank you!