Claire’s 2023 round-up for adoptees

Claire’s 2023 round-up for adoptees

This year was a more mellow one for Claire and the team. Claire experienced burnout after trying to make How To Be Adopted into a registered company / charity in 2022 and had a bit of a crash after the high of the Guardian article.

However, there were lots of great things going on in adopteeland, which are listed here in no particular order!

  • We changed UK law forever!

The law requiring therapists to be registered with Ofsted has been scrapped. This means any therapist can see you, but it’s still worth checking their training and experience. Well done to everyone who got this to public consulation!

For more campaigning, follow the Adult Adoptee Movement.

  • Claire spoke on identity

Thanks to Beth Neil and Julie Young for asking me to speak about identity and how adoptees are being failed. The feedback was brilliant. My bit starts from 12:47 mins.

  • Amazing film Return to Seoul

If you haven’t seen Return to Seoul yet, I highly recommend it. So different from films like Juno and Lion. I saw it with a very good adoptee friend of mine and we were so happy that it was *painfully* realistic.

Three swimmers and a start sign

Half a mile done for Live Unlimited, do check out this Barnet-based charity!

  • Claire swam the Serpentine

Half a mile boshed for Live Unlimited, a charity who help care experienced people with driving lessons, interview skills, etc. Thanks to everyone who sponsored me.


  • Gilli and Lara’s next retreat

In June, Gilli and Lara hosted their first adoptee retreat. Absolute legends! And there’s another retreat happening in 2024…

  • Zara Phillips’ new film

Zara’s one-woman show Somebody’s Daughter has been adapted for film and is out very soon! Follow Zara to find out more

  • 20th Jan half-day HTBA event

Gilli and I are excited to share some of what’s worked for us, specifically around co-dependency and regulation. It’s also a chance to connect with other adoptees in the break-out rooms. Book now

Small dog in a wood in winter

Claire got a puppy! Don’t worry, we talk about Nancy’s first mum, Coco, all the time ;)

‘Incredible community vibe and feelings of belonging’

‘Incredible community vibe and feelings of belonging’

NO HO HO MERRY CHRISTMAS!!  - guest blog from adoptee Angela

NO HO HO MERRY CHRISTMAS!!  - guest blog from adoptee Angela