Moving and ultimately uplifting post on adoption reunion and people pleasing…
All tagged adoption fog
Moving and ultimately uplifting post on adoption reunion and people pleasing…
Does adoption necessarily preclude you from the ability to steer your own kayak at all? Guest post from Chloe Morrison
Often it is not until adopted people reach mid-life, or beyond, that patterns can be seen and the denial no longer works – this is when the fog comes into focus …
Adoptee Yuna talks of growing up in Philadelphia as a Chinese American.
Why it’s problematic that people expect adoptees to preface their content with gratitude for their adoptive parents…
I was in my mid-30s when I plucked up the courage to ask my mum when she first met me…
We are only truly alive if we are able to be honest - paraphrased from Anne Heffron
A short reflection on adoption reunion and how it’s felt since coming out of the fog…
Do you have endless patience, nerves of steel and the ability to withstand constant attempts to push you away?
Since I had my children I’ve been slowly emerging from the adoptee “fog”. It’s been a hell of a ride, with new revelations coming thick and fast. Here’s what I now know…