When you find your tribe - an ode to adoptee friends and meet-ups

When you find your tribe - an ode to adoptee friends and meet-ups


I’m not sure I will ever be able to thank Claire and HTBA for introducing me to THE most incredible adoptees who have become a part of my chosen family.


Bob, Niki, Lisa, Katherine, Sarah & I were introduced over the monthly HTBA patreon calls at the end of 2022. 


I’ve never really known anyone who is adopted (apart from my adoptee brother who never wants to talk about it). Wow, it’s amazing to have a shorthand with people who just get how your head works.  There’s no need to explain some of the disordered thinking, they feel it and think the same.    


Whilst we still meet monthly on our calls, we’ve also now got a super active WhatsApp chat, where we chat about everything from Snoopy through to supporting each other with our reunion journeys.   We also all met up in person in the summer, which was one of the loveliest days of my life.  These women are my tribe and my family, and I know that my journey through being adopted is made better for knowing them!



Unspoken The Silent Truth Behind My Lifelong Trauma as a Forced Adoptee Liz Harvie with Eve Hatton

Unspoken The Silent Truth Behind My Lifelong Trauma as a Forced Adoptee Liz Harvie with Eve Hatton

Return to Seoul - adoptee film screening at London's ICA + Q&A with Laure Badufle

Return to Seoul - adoptee film screening at London's ICA + Q&A with Laure Badufle